Stefano De Liguoro


“IBSuite was selected because it is a proven cloud-native end-2-end insurance platform, providing us with the flexibility to launch new business models quickly and introducing new channels to the market…”

The generation of millennials have a completely different buying behavior as the generations before them. Buying insurance or securing their belongings is not always top of mind. Zurich wanted to create a new disruptive business model targeting the millennials. 

 For it to be successful Zurich wanted an integrated policy administration system with the ability to setup products quickly, make changes to the underwriting rules on the fly, automate processes, to gain efficiency. And to be 100% digital in  its approach.  

 The Klinc solution was launched after 5 months of implementation. With 100% automated underwriting and claims automated to 80+%, Zurich has been provided a solution which is scalable, utilizes a high number of reusable components, is digital by nature and allows them to offer new business models, such as on demand and many more. 

“IBSuite was selected because it is a proven cloud-native end-2-end insurance platform, providing us with the flexibility to launch new business models quickly and introducing new channels to the market. With IBA, we have a collaboration with a team of insurance experts, providing guidance and services to launch new products and automatization quicky into the Klinc proposition. The power of enabling innovative propositions and react instantaneously to the market, has proven itself to be extremely valuable for Zurich Klinc, and facilitates for Zurich to be first mover on offering novel products and plans for its customers.”